Interface to Alias curve on surface points.
#include <AlCurveOnSurfacePoint.h>
class AlCurveOnSurfacePoint : public AlPoint
virtual AlObject * copyWrapper() const;
virtual AlObjectType type() const;
statusCode create(const AlCurveOnSurface *, double);
statusCode setParameter(double);
statusCode parameter(double &) const;
virtual statusCode worldPosition(double &, double &, double &) const;
statusCode tangent(double &, double &, double &) const;
statusCode normal1(double &, double &, double &) const;
statusCode normal2(double &, double &, double &) const;
statusCode arcLength(double &) const;
AlCurveOnSurface * attachedTo();
A point can be created in the parametric space of a AlCurveOnSurface. This point can be queried for the curve normals, tangent,
and position in world coordinate system. This class contains methods for creating, and moving the point in the parametric
space of the curve on surface. If the AlCurveOnSurface or its AlSurface is deleted, the curve on surface point created on
it is deleted.
Constructs an AlCurveOnSurfacePoint wrapper object.
Deletes an AlCurveOnSurfacePoint wrapper object.
AlObject *AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::copyWrapper() const
Returns an exact copy of the AlCurveOnSurfacePoint wrapper.
statusCode AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::create(const AlCurveOnSurface *curveOnSurface, double u)
Creates a point on the given curve on surface
< curveOnSurface - the curve on surface on which the point is to be created.
< u - the parameter at which point is to be created
Return Codes
sSuccess - the point was successfully created
sAlreadyCreated - object has already been created
sFailure - the point could not be created on the curve on surface.
sInvalidArgument - the curve is not a valid object
statusCode AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::setParameter(double u)
Move the position of a point created on a curve on surface
< u - the parameter on the curve on surface where the point has to be moved.
Return Codes
sSuccess - the point was moved
sInvalidObject - the point is not valid
statusCode AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::parameter(double &u) const
Find the parameter value at which the point is present
> u - the curve parameter where point is present
Return Codes
sSuccess - the parameter was found
sInvalidObject - the point is not valid
statusCode AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::worldPosition(double &x, double &y, double &z) const
Find the world coordinates of the point
> x, y, z - the world coordinates of the point
Return Codes
sSuccess - the coordinates were found.
sInvalidObject - the point is not valid
statusCode AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::tangent(double &x, double &y, double &z) const
Find the tangent vector to the curve at the point
> x, y, z - the X, Y, Z components of the tangent
Return Codes
sSuccess - the tangent was found.
sInvalidObject - the point is not valid
statusCode AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::normal1(double &x, double &y, double &z) const
Find the normal to the curve on surface at the point
> x, y, z - the X, Y, Z components of the normal
Return Codes
sSuccess - the normal was found.
sInvalidObject - the point is not valid
statusCode AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::normal2(double &x, double &y, double &z) const
Find the second normal to the curve on surface at the point
> x, y, z - the X, Y, Z components of the second normal normalized vector.
Return Codes
sSuccess - the normal was found.
sInvalidObject - the point is not valid
statusCode AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::arcLength(double &arcLen) const
Find the length of the curve on surface on which the point is present
> arcLen - the length of the curve
Return Codes
sSuccess - the arc length was found.
sInvalidObject - the point is not valid
AlObjectType AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::type() const
Returns the class identifier kCurveOnSurfacePointType.
AlCurveOnSurface * AlCurveOnSurfacePoint::attachedTo()
Returns the curve on surface that this point is associated with. NULL is returned if this method fails.