Interface to Alias construction vectors.
#include <AlConstructionVector.h>
class AlConstructionVector : public AlConstructionEntity
virtual ~AlConstructionVector();
virtual AlObject* copyWrapper() const;
virtual AlObjectType type() const;
statusCode create( AlPoint *,double, double, double );
statusCode create( AlPoint *, AlPoint * );
statusCode vector( double&, double&, double& );
statusCode setVector( double, double, double );
AlPoint* origin();
AlPoint* end();
Alias construction vectors can be created with 2 points or with 1 point and a vector. The origin and end points of this object
can be queried through the use of this class. If a construction vector is created with 1 point and a vector, the end point
will be NULL. In addition, if a construction vector is created with 2 points, the vector cannot be
NULL constructor.
NULL destructor.
NULL destructor.
statusCode AlConstructionVector::create( AlPoint *origin, double x, double y , double z )
This method creates a construction vector using one point and a vector.
Return Codes
sSuccess - the construction vector was created
sFailure - the method failed
sInvalidArgument - the origin ptr is NULL or is invalid
sAlreadyCreated - the object is already created
statusCode AlConstructionVector::create( AlPoint *origin, AlPoint *end )
This method creates a construction vector based on two points.
Return Codes
sSuccess - the construction vector was created
sInvalidArgument - origin or end are either NULL or invalid
sFailure - the method failed
sAlreadyCreated - the object is already created
AlObjectType AlConstructionVector::type() const
Returns the class identifier kConstructionPlaneType.
AlPoint *AlConstructionVector::origin()
Returns the origin point of the construction vector. NULL is returned if this method fails.
AlPoint *AlConstructionVector::end()
Returns the end point of the construction vector. NULL is returned if the method fails or if this construction vector was
not specified by two end points.
statusCode AlConstructionVector::vector( double& x, double& y, double& z )
Returns the vector of a construction vector if this object was not specified by 2 points.
> x,y,z - the vector
Return Codes
sSuccess - the vector was found
sFailure - object specified by two end points or internal failure
sInvalidObject - the object is invalid
statusCode AlConstructionVector::setVector( double x, double y , double z )
Sets the vector of an AlConstructionVector in the case when this object is not specified by 2 points.
< x,y,z - the vector to set
Return Codes
sSuccess - the vector was set
sInvalidObject - the object is invalid
sFailure - object specified by two end points or internal failure