Use Preferences > Construction Options
to set the tolerances enforced by the modeling tools. The requirements for transfer to specific CAD packages are available
as presets.
To set up tolerances for transfer to a specific CAD package
- Choose Preferences > Construction Options
- Open the section.
- Choose one of the settings profiles from the list:
- Click the CAD software you want to model for. This sets the construction options to values needed for maximum compatibility
with that CAD package.
- Click if the CAD package that you want to model for is not on the list. This sets the construction options to generic CAD values
that will be compatible with most CAD packages.
- Click to set the construction options manually.
You cannot edit the presets of the CAD packages in the list directly. Choose the name of the CAD package and click Copy to
create a new profile you can edit.
To create a set of custom tolerance setting
- Open the section of the window.
- Choose one of the settings profiles from the list:
If the settings you want to add are very similar to one of the preset CAD packages, click the name of the CAD package.
Otherwise, click .
- Click .
- Double click the new profile to rename it.