Projects a canvas onto one or more objects.
Transparency is supported. If the contents of the image plane include transparency, then that will be evident in the projected image.
The sketch projection workflow can be done in the perspective window with perspective turned either ON or OFF.
Sketch projection now supports transparency so that sketches can be layered on top of existing shading assignments and enable the existing shading to show through. Previously, it would delete any layering for the surface and assign a new shader. Hardware Shade now supports projective transparency. Texture quality levels in Hardware Shade mode have been improved, as well, so you may find the Low setting satisfactory in terms of performance and shading.
To view your sketches in Shaded mode, choose WindowDisplay > Hardware Shade
and turn ON the layered shaders flag.
You can also project a sketch onto objects through the Canvas Layer Editor (Windows > Editors > Canvas Layer Editor ) by choosing Project > Project sketch in the menus. In the editor, turn off the visibility of the layers you do not want to project.
To update a sketch projection after modifying the canvas or its layers, simply re-select the Project sketch tool.
Sketch projection creates temporary textures on disk with the naming convention WireFileName_CameraName.tiff. If you project a sketch from a window, it automatically writes to this file on disk regardless of whether it already exists or not.
Now you can sketch project an image plane that is added to a camera but has no sketch.
To delete a sketch projection, choose Delete > Painting > Delete Sketch Projection . The option box gives you the choice of deleting sketch projections in all windows or the active window only.