Copies pivots, IK handles, joints and time offsets from one skeleton to another.
If toggled ON (indicated by a check mark), the pivot point positions of the joint nodes in the skeleton are also copied. This changes the dimension of the bones in the skeleton so that they match those of the skeleton being copied. The target skeleton will end up on top of the source skeleton, so you will have to move it back to where it is supposed to be.
For example, if an arm is animated to make contact with an object, then the positioning of the length of the arm and the tips of the fingers on the hand are important. If the animation of the arm is copied to a different length arm, then the arm cannot make contact with the object or it may pass through it.
If Copy Pivots is set ON, the second skeleton not only receives the first skeleton’s animation, but also its bone dimensions.
Toggle Copy Pivots OFF if you don’t want to copy the pivot points. For example, if an animation of a man walking is copied to the skeleton of a small boy and Copy Pivots is OFF, both the man and the boy will walk with the same animation, but the sizes of their skeletons will remain different.
If toggled ON, the information about the joints at each of the joint nodes is also copied. Joint information for the target skeleton is overlaid with this new information.
The joint information includes which translate and rotate joints are used, their joint limits, and the style in which the
bone is drawn (see Animation > Tools > Bone Style).
The value you set with this slider indicates by how much the animation should be offset in time when it is copied. If set to 0.00 (the default), the animation of the original and copied skeleton will occur at the same time. A Time Offset of 5.0 means that the copied skeleton’s animation occurs five frames after the original skeleton’s animation.