CATIA V5 format (Windows only)

The following entities are translated into CATIA V5 format.

Alias entity saved to CATIA V5 format as
Curve (created with either CVs or Edit Points) NURBSCurve of appropriate degree
Line Line
Arc NURBSCurve
Circular NURBSCurve. Note that periodic objects will be divided into two.
Blend curves NURBSCurve of appropriate degree.
Multiknot curve NURBSCurve
Curve on surface NURBSCurves
Surface NURBSSurface.
Surface Revolve NURBSSurface. Periodic objects will be divided into two.
Multiknot Surface Surfaces divided in multiple surfaces if -d option is used.
Shell Solid. Caution: Alias closed shell becomes a CATIA Solid. If -s option is specified, the shell’s faces will become surfaces.
sphere, cone, cube, and so on. NURBSSurface. Periodic objects are divided into two.
Rational sphere, cone, and so on. NURBSSurface. Periodic objects are divided into two.
Planar face NonRationalNURBSSurface of degree 1 with a single span in U and V directions. Faces with holes will be transferred.
Shell CATIA solid body, if shell is closed, or skin (open shell) if shell is open.
Surface with multiple disjoint trimmed regions Multiple trimmed surfaces
Closed periodic curve Periodic curves are divided into two curves.
Shader Color RGB Color RGB
Layer Layer (numbered). Layer name is ignored.
Invisible Invisible (no show)
Construction vector Line
Construction plane Plane
Symmetry Converted if -b option for layer symmetry is ON.
Space point, Curve point, Surface point, Curve-on-surface point Point

The standard document types provided by Dassault Systemes are:

A Part Document has a .CATPart suffix, and is mainly used during the design process. The Part Document is used as the default document type for the following workbenches:

A Product Document has a .CATProduct suffix, and is mainly used to assemble Product or Part documents in a structured, coherent system of sub-products and/or parts. The Product Document is used as the default document type for the following workbenches: