

JtToAl translates Jupiter (JT) files into Alias wire files.


JtToAl [ options ] [-r<JtkConfig file>][-i<input JT file>] -o<output Wire file>

-h Outputs online help, then exits.
-r Name of JtkConfig file (optional). See Notebelow.
-i Name of input JT file; if not specified, stdin(generally the keyboard) is used.
-o Name of output wire file; must be specified.
-pb Read in brep (NURBS) data; if not available,read tessellation (polygonal) data
-pt Read in tessellation (polygonal) data; if notavailable, read brep (NURBS) data.

Typing JtToAl or JtToAl -h will list all available options and their definitions.


The JtkConfig file is a configuration file used to easily setup the state of the JT importer. The read control parameters are located inside the EAIJTRead section of this configuration file.