Change the continuity along network curves

Change the level of continuity across curves in the network.

Positional continuity is the default for a new network. If you need more or less smoothness between the different surfaces, use the continuity tools to change the continuity required across any given network curve.

To change the default continuity for new networks, choose Surfaces > Curve Networks .

To change the continuity enforced on a curve

  1. Click one of the Continuity tool icons (Positional continuity or Tangent continuity), or choose from the Continuity sub-menu of the CrvNet Tools palette menu.
  2. Click the curve you want to change.

    The continuity tool changes the continuity across the curve you clicked.

    Changing the continuity for a curve changes the continuity for all the segments on this curve. In other words, the newly specified continuity is enforced between all surface pairs that are adjacent to each other across this curve.


    The continuity requirements that you specify may not be achievable with the given curves.


    Avoid using many different areas of continuity in a single network. The more consistent the continuity requirements, the better the surfaces.