
Interface to Alias category objects.


#include <AlCategory.h>
class AlCategory : public AlObject
virtual	~AlCategory();
virtual AlObject*	copyWrapper() const;
virtual statusCode	deleteObject();
virtual AlObjectType	type() const;
statusCode	create(const char * = NULL);
statusCode	addMember(int);
statusCode	removeMember(int);
int	numberOfMembers() const;
statusCode	members(int numMembers, int members[]);
const char *	name() const;
statusCode	setName( const char*);
const char *	description() const;
statusCode	setDescription( const char*);
statusCode	pick(int);
int	isPicked() const;


Categories are a way of organizing lists of layers. This organization simplifies changing the attributes of associated layers. Each AlCategory has a non unique name, picked status, description and a list of associated layers. The layer list contains layer numbers.


1) Attempting to add a layer to a category that is already in the list will fail.

2) Layers can belong to multiple categories.

3) All functions will fail if layers are not enabled.

4) AlCategory is available through OpenModel



Constructs an AlCategory wrapper object.



Deletes an AlCategory wrapper object.

statusCode AlCategory::deleteObject()


Deletes the category.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the object was deleted

sFailure - layers functionality turned off or internal failure

sInvalidObject - the object was invalid

AlObject* AlCategory::copyWrapper() const


Returns an exact copy of the AlCategory wrapper.

AlObjectType AlCategory::type() const


Returns the class identifier kCategoryType.

statusCode AlCategory::create( const char* name )


Create a new category.


< name - the name of the new category, default parameter name is NULL if not specified

Return Codes

sSuccess - the category was created

sFailure - the category was not created because the layer functionality is turned off.

sAlreadyCreated - object has already been created

const char * AlCategory::name() const


Returns the name of the object.

statusCode AlCategory::setName( const char *newName )


Sets the name of the category


< newName - new name of category

Return Codes

sSuccess - the name was set

sFailure - the name length exceed 255 characters or layers functionality is disabled.

sInvalidArgument - newName was NULL

sInvalidObject - the object is not valid

const char * AlCategory::description() const


Returns the description of the object.

statusCode AlCategory::setDescription( const char *newDesc )


Sets the description of the category


< newDesc - new description of the category

Return Codes

sSuccess - the description was set

sFailure - the description length exceed 255 characters or layers functionality is disabled.

sInvalidArgument - newDesc was NULL

sInvalidObject - the object is not valid

statusCode AlCategory::addMember(int layerID)


Adds a layer to the current category.


< layerID- Numerical ID of the Layer to be added

Return Codes

sSuccess - the layer id was added

sFailure - layers functionality turned off or internal failure or the layer id has already been added

sInvalidObject - the object was invalid

sInvalidArgument - the layer ID was invalid

statusCode AlCategory::removeMember(int layerID )


Removes a layer from the current category


< layerID- numerical ID of the layer to be removed

Return Codes

sSuccess - the layer id was removed

sFailure - layers functionality turned off or internal failure or the layer id does not exist in the category

sInvalidObject - the object was invalid

sInvalidArgument - the layer ID was invalid

int AlCategory::numberOfMembers() const


Returns the member count of the category. If this method fails, -1 is returned.

statusCode AlCategory::members(int numMembers, int members[])


Returns the members of the category


< numMembers- size of array members

> members - array of size numMembers, to return the member list in

Return Codes

sSuccess - the number of members is returned can legally be zero

sFailure - layers functionality turned off or internal failure

sInvalidObject - the object was invalid

sInvalidArgument - the value numMembers was not within layer range or the numMembers was greater then the numberOfMembers() in the category

boolean AlCategory::isPicked() const


Returns the pick status of the category;

Return Codes

true - if the category is picked

false - if it is not picked, the object is invalid or layer functionality is turned off.

statusCode AlCategory::pick (boolean state)


Sets the pick status of the category


< state - new state of the category, a value of true makes the category picked and false sets it to unpicked

Return Codes

sSuccess - the state was set

sFailure - layers functionality is disabled.

sInvalidObject - the object is not valid