
Interface to Alias plane surface attributes.


#include <AlPlaneAttributes.h> class AlPlaneAttributes : public AlAttributes virtual AlObjectType	type() const; AlObject*	copyWrapper() const; statusCode	coefficients( double&, double&, double&, double& ) const; statusCode	centerPoint( double&, double&, double& ) const;


AlPlaneAttributes is a class derived from the AlAttributes class. This class allows access to the attributes for a plane.

The attributes that define a plane are the coefficients of Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 and coordinates of the center of the plane.

At this time it is only possible to query an AlPlaneAttribute. Further, it is currently not possible to create a plane with attributes either in OpenModel or Alias. This attribute is provided for compatibility with IGES, and as such, the only way to get a plane with attributes into an Alias wire file is to import an IGES file into Alias and then save a wire file.

AlObjectType AlPlaneAttributes::type() const


Returns the class identifier ’kPlaneAttributeType’.

AlPlaneAttributes* AlPlaneAttributes::asPlaneAttributesPtr()


This virtual function returns a non-null pointer to itself, indicating that it is safe to cast to an object of this class.

AlObject* AlPlaneAttributes::copyWrapper() const


Creates a copy of the AlPlaneAttributes. The returned AlPlaneAttributes will reference the same data as the original.

statusCode AlPlaneAttributes::coefficients( double& c_a, double& c_b, double& c_c, double& c_d ) const


Determines the coefficients for the plane, where the plane is defined by the equation: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0.


> c_a - coefficient A

> c_b - coefficient B

> c_c - coefficient C

> c_d - coefficient D

Return Codes

sSuccess - the coefficients were successfully returned

sInvalidObject - the plane attribute was invalid

sFailure - an error occurred.

statusCode AlPlaneAttributes::centerPoint( double& x, double& y, double& z ) const


Determines the "center" of a plane.


> double &x, &y, &z - the returned 3D position of the center

Return Codes

sSuccess - the coefficients were successfully returned

sInvalidObject - the plane attribute was invalid

sFailure - an error occurred