how a blend point changes the shape of its blend curve.
- Choose Curves > Blend Curve Toolbox
to show an extra floating
palette containing the BlendCrv Tools tab.
- Choose BlendCrv Tools > Blend Curve Edit
- Click the blend point you want to edit.
- Use the tangent manipulator to set the
tangent direction at the picked blend points.
and click to select multiple
blend points. Changes to the tangent direction manipulator are applied
to all the selected blend points.
How do I use the tangent
direction manipulator?
- To set the tangent direction, click an
axis line.
direction constraints, the axis lines relate to world space (X,
Y, Z). For geometry constraints, the axis lines relate to the curve,
surface, or point cloud (U, V, Normal).
- To change the rotation freely, click
the rotation handle (the small circle on the arrow), then drag with
the different mouse buttons or type rotational coordinates.
- To change the rotation in a plane, click
an arc, then drag left and right or type a rotation angle.
- To change the tangent magnitude, click
the square, then drag left or right or type a value.
- To change the curvature magnitude, click
the large circle, then drag left or right or type a value. The default
is 1.0.
This handle appears when the constraint’s continuity
is set to G2 or higher.
- To change the curvature rate of change,
click the small circle, then drag left or right or type a value.
The default is 1.0.
This handle appears when the constraint’s continuity
is set to G3 or higher.
See also Blend curves.