Interface to Alias blend points.
#include <AlBlendPoint.h>
class AlBlendPoint : public AlObject
enum AlConstraintContinuityType
enum AlCurvatureType
enum AlInterpolationDirectionType
enum AlDirectionType
virtual ~AlBlendPoint();
virtual statusCode deleteObject();
virtual AlObject* copyWrapper() const;
virtual AlObjectType type() const;
statusCode setPoint( double , double , double );
statusCode point( double& , double& , double& );
statusCode param( double& );
statusCode tangent( double&, double&, double& );
statusCode setTangent( double, double, double );
statusCode interpolationDirectionType( AlInterpolationDirectionType& );
statusCode setInterpolationDirectionType( AlInterpolationDirectionType );
statusCode directionType( AlDirectionType& );
statusCode setDirectionType( AlDirectionType );
statusCode curvatureType( AlCurvatureType& );
statusCode setCurvatureType( AlCurvatureType );
statusCode constraintContinuityType( AlConstraintContinuityType& );
statusCode setConstraintContinuityType( AlConstraintContinuityType );
statusCode attachConstraint( AlSurface *, double, double );
statusCode attachConstraint( AlCurve *, double );
statusCode attachConstraint( AlCurveOnSurface *, double );
statusCode disassociateConstraint();
statusCode attachedTo( AlObject *&, double&, double& );
boolean isSlave();
statusCode makeMaster();
AlBlendCurve* blendCurve();
AlBlendPoint* next();
statusCode nextD( AlBlendPoint * );
AlBlendPoint* prev();
statusCode prevD( AlBlendPoint * );
Alias Blend Curves contain Alias Blend Points. Blend Points have constraints and curvature types as described in the Alias manuals. Methods for getting and setting the tangency, position, constraint continuity and the geometry the point is associated with are included.
statusCode AlBlendPoint::setPoint( double x , double y , double z )
statusCode AlBlendPoint::tangent( double& x, double& y, double& z )
statusCode AlBlendPoint::setTangent( double x, double y, double z )
statusCode AlBlendPoint::constraintContinuityType(AlBlendPoint::AlConstraintContinuityType& cc )
statusCode AlBlendPoint::setConstraintContinuityType( AlConstraintContinuityType cc )
statusCode AlBlendPoint::directionType(AlBlendPoint::AlDirectionType& dt)
statusCode AlBlendPoint::setDirectionType( AlDirectionType dt )
statusCode AlBlendPoint::curvatureType(AlBlendPoint::AlCurvatureType& ct )
statusCode AlBlendPoint::setCurvatureType( AlCurvatureType ct )
statusCode AlBlendPoint::attachConstraint( AlCurve *curve, double t )
statusCode AlBlendPoint::attachedTo( AlObject *&obj, double& p1, double& p2 )
> obj - the object the blend point is attached to. > p1, p2 - if the object is a surface, both p1 and p2 is set to the u, v values of the point of attachment. If the object is a curve or curve on surface, p1 is set to the ’t’ value of the point of attachment to the curve and p2 is unused and set to 0.