Build a surface on a point cloud

Build new surfaces using point cloud data as a reference.

Fit a surface to a cloud from four boundary curves

  1. Create four curves that will be the boundaries of the new surface. These boundary curves must intersect.

    Make curves intersect

    You can also create additional curves that will be used as internal isoparametric curves for the new surface.

    TipYou can use Point Clouds > Project Curve to create curves that fit to the point cloud.
  2. Pick the cloud.
  3. Choose Point Clouds > Surfaces > Gridded .
  4. Click the four boundary curves (in any order), then click Go.
  5. Click any curves you want to use as isoparametric curves on the new surface, then click Go.

    A red grid appears when you press a mouse button, showing the sampling grid. The tool samples the point cloud at the vertices of the grid and uses the sampled points to create the surface. The default grid is 15 by 15.

  6. Do any of the following:
    • Drag the to set both the U and V sampling density at the same time.
    • Drag the to set the U sampling density.
    • Drag the to set the V sampling density.
    • Type two numbers to set the number of spans in U and V. The default is 2,2.
  7. Click Go.

Fit a surface to a cloud from four corner points

  1. Pick the cloud.
  2. Choose Point Clouds > Surfaces > Corners .
  3. Click four points in the point cloud to use as the corners of the new surface.

Fit a trimmed surface to a cloud from multiple boundary curves

  1. Create three or more curves that will be the boundaries of the new surface. These boundary curves must intersect.

    See Make curves intersect.

    TipYou can use Point Clouds > Project Curve to create curves that fit to the point cloud.
  2. Pick the cloud.
  3. Choose Point Clouds > Surfaces > Detailed .
  4. Click the boundary curves, then click Go.

What if...?

I want to see the surface more clearly after I create it?

Choose WindowDisplay > Toggles > Clouds to hide point clouds.