Example of a License File for a Single or Distributed Server

Here is an example of a completed license file for a single or distributed license server model:

SERVER XXHP0528 0019bbd68993
VENDOR adskflex port=2080 
INCREMENT 57600ACD_2009_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 5 \
   VENDOR_STRING=commercial:permanent BORROW=4320 SUPERSEDE \
   DUP_GROUP=UH ISSUED=09-Jan-2008 SN=123-12345678 SIGN="1393 \
   E368 816E D417 C1CD 7DBD 7B90 1354 D6F0 48FE EBB8 9C84 C3AF \
   7D79 BEE1 0181 0655 76FF 996C B707 14B5 D4DE A3FE 0B2D 2D36 \
   057C A579 7866 26BF 44E2" SIGN2="1280 943B 53A7 9B93 E00B D967 \
   D821 BD37 BE6D B78A F074 B223 88AA 242C DD0A 1292 D56F 4108 \
   62CD FA35 E365 0736 A011 7833 8B35 7BFF DAD8 34A8 452F 2EB4"