To start a new, blank scene file
You can select to always create new scenes with
default content by choosing
File > New Scene > and
turning on Enable Default Scene.
To open an existing scene file
The Open dialog box appears, open in the scene folder of the current project.
// Warning: file: …/ line 63: Unrecognized node type 'something'; preserving node information during this session. //
These warnings can be safely ignored. All information in the Maya Unlimited nodes will be properly imported into Maya Complete and written out again correctly when the scene is saved.
If these licensed nodes came from an Unlimited plug-in (for instance, Maya Fur), when the scene is written out again by Maya Complete, the scene file forgets that it needs Maya Fur to load properly.
A workaround is to load the Maya Fur plug-in manually in Maya Unlimited before loading the scene file.
To save the current scene file
When you use Save Scene As you can select whether to save the file as Maya Binary (smaller) or Maya ASCII (human readable). To save in a different format, use File > Export All.
You can optionally lock a file to prevent the file from being edited whenever it is referenced from other scene files using the Lock file option.