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Troubleshoot jagged edges
Troubleshoot shadows
Troubleshoot grainy or flickering shadows in illuminated fog
Troubleshoot jagged or flickering shadow edges
shadow-casting spot lights, decrease the Cone Angle.
shadow-casting directional lights, turn on Use
Light Position, turn off Use Auto Focus,
and set Width Focus so all objects
that you want to cast shadows do indeed cast shadows for all frames
of the animation.
To determine the Width Focus value,
select Panels > Look Through Selected, and
zoom the view in or out until all shadow casting objects are visible.
Note the width of the view and use this value for Width
For all light types, you can do one of the following:
- Turn
off Use Light Position (for directional
lights only), turn on Use Auto Focus for
the light, and turn off Casts Shadows for
any objects (especially large objects) in the scene that do not
need to cast shadows (they can still receive shadows).
- Increase Filter
Size (to the lowest value that produces acceptable results) for
the shadow casting light (this makes shadow edges softer).
- Increase Resolution (to
the lowest value that produces acceptable results) for the shadow
casting light.