Use this option to specify how the Attribute Editor displays
when you open it (such as pressing +a (Windows
and Linux) or
+a (Mac
OS X)). To open the Attribute Editor in a separate
window, select In Separate Window. To open the Attribute
Editor in the main Maya window, select In Main Maya Window.
By default, the Attribute Editor opens in Maya’s
main window.
Use this option to specify how the Layer editors display when you open them. (Window > General Editors > Display Layer Editor or Window > Rendering Editors > Render Layer Editor). To open the Layer editors in a separate window, select In Separate Window. To open the Layer editors in the main Maya window, select In Main Maya Window. By default, the Layer editors window opens in Maya’s main window.
On Mac OS X, Maya gives you the option of using either a three button mouse, a two button mouse, or a single button mouse. (All documentation assumes the use of a three button mouse).
The following table shows the functional equivalents of two or one button mouse clicks to three-button mouse clicks.
When you use tumble, track, dolly, or select zoom with a one or two button mouse, the command controls are different from the controls described in the documentation for the three button mouse. Below is a table that specifies the control changes.