Projects Settings
Use these settings to set up a default projects directory when you create new projects and on startup.
Recent History Size
Specify how many files, increments, and projects you want to have listed in each of the File > Recent submenus.
Ascii File Compression Mode
On file save
Specify the compression mode you want to use when saving an ASCII file:
Saves files in compressed mode. File compression reduces the sizes of large files so they do not occupy as much space on your hard drive.
Saves files in uncompressed mode.
Keeps files in their original compression mode rather than compressing or decompressing them. As Is is the default.
Display Layer
File import merge
Specify how you want the Display Layer merged when you import a file.
All layers read in are put in a new layer, renumbered, and renamed, if necessary to preserve uniqueness.
Rather than creating a new layer, all layers read in that have the same index number as an existing layer are merged with that layer.
Rather than creating a new layer, all layers read in that have the same name as an existing layer are merged with that layer.
Render Layer
Specify how you want the Render Layer merged when you import a file.