There are several PXL tool presets installed
with Composite and they are described below:
- Blur 5 x 5 A
simple 5 x 5 blur kernel with hard coded weights.
- Clouds Creates
a cloud texture.
- Corner Pin Provides
eight parameters to control the four corners of the image, and computes
a perspective transformation to place the image based on the corners.
By setting expressions to link the eight parameters to a garbage
mask rectangle, a simple interactive corner pinner can be made.
- Directional Blur Performs
an anti-aliased blur using a rotated rectangle to achieve a blur
in a particular direction.
- Emboss Simple
emboss, based on gradients of luminance.
- Erode Alpha Erodes
alpha using a simple square kernel.
Original |
Eroded Alpha with a 10 pixel radius |
- Gamma Applies
a simple gamma exponential to all channels.
Original |
Gamma correction applied |
- Lattice Adds
a lattice of shaded tubular bars to the image channels.
- Lens Flare Provides
1 to 5 lines of flares centered on bright points on the image. You
can control the weight of the lines relative to the weight of the
source pixel at the center of the blur. There is also a falloff
gamma factor for the weight of the lines as they get more distant
from the centre of the blur.
Original |
Lens flare applied |
- Marble Creates
a marble texture.
- Mandelbrot Generates
a mandelbrot fractal image.
- Noise Wipe Performs
a wipe transition between two images where each pixel switches at
a random time.
- Noise Creates
a pattern of random noise.
- Num Colors A
preset that reduces the number of colors to create images with banding.
It can also add dithering noise to reduce the banding.
NumColors = 6, Dither = 0 |
NumColors = 2, Dither = 1 |
- Out of Range Marks
pixels outside of a specified range with a specified color, such
as red in the following image.
- Polygon Blur Performs
a simple anti-aliased polygon blur, to simulate a lens effect. You
can choose the number of sides, the radius, and rotation angle.
Original image |
Polygon Blur applied |
- Ripple Twirl A
twirl effect with some extra ripples.
Original image |
Ripple Twirl applied |
- Sharpen 5 x 5 A
simple 5x5 sharpening kernel with hard coded weights.
- Spherical Mapping Applies spherical
mapping to the current selection.
Original image |
Spherical mapping applied |
- Stereo Anaglypha A
preset that provides two methods of combining colors into a single
Red/Blue glasses image (left image) and one method for cross-eyed
viewing (right image).
Red/Blue glasses |
Cross-eyed viewing |
- Wood Frame Creates
a wood frame. You can specify the frame's thickness and lighting
- Wood Creates
a wood texture. You can specify the scale, size, and fineness of
the grain.