The topics in this section describe rollouts whose controls are specific to standard lights.
This General Parameters rollout is displayed for standard lights. These controls turn a light on and off, and exclude or include objects in the scene.
The Intensity/Color/Attenuation rollout allows you to set the color and intensity of your light. You can also define the attenuation of your light.
The Directional Parameters rollout appears when you create or select a target direct or free direct light. These parameters control hotspots and falloff.
The Spotlight Parameters rollout appears when you create or select a Target Spot or Free Spot.
The Hair Light Attr(ibutes) rollout lets you adjust properties for the hair shadow map generated by the light. This rollout appears for supported lights at render time. If you want to adjust a light's hair settings before render time, you can display it explicitly by following the steps shown in the path annotations at the beginning of this topic.