Command entry:Rendering menu


Environment and Effects dialog

Effects panel


Add Effect dialog

Depth of Field
The Depth-of-Field effect simulates the natural blurring of foreground and background scene elements when viewed through a
camera lens. Depth of Field works by separating the scene in Z order into foreground, background, and in-focus images. The
foreground and background images are then blurred according to the values set in the Depth of Field effect parameters and
the final image is composited from the processed originals.
NoteWhen additional Render Effects are being applied to an image or animation, the Depth-of-Field effect should be the last effect
to be rendered. The order of the rendered effects is listed in the Effects tab of the Environment and Effects dialog.
TipTo minimize sampling artifacts in out-of-focus areas with the default scanline renderer, try using the Blend filter in the
Render Setup dialog
Renderer panel

Antialiasing group.
The Depth of Field Parameters rollout contains the following parameters.
- Affect Alpha
Affects the alpha channel of the final rendering when on.
Cameras group
- Pick Cam
Enables you to interactively select from the viewport which camera you want the Depth of Field effect applied to.
- Remove
Deletes the camera currently selected in the drop-down list.
- Camera Selection List
Lists all of the cameras to be used in the effect. You can use this list to highlight a specific camera and remove it from
the list using the Remove button.
Focal Point group
- Pick Node
Enables you to select an object to use as the focal node. When activated you can select an object directly from the viewports
to use as the focal node. You can also press H to display the Pick Object dialog, which lets you select a focal node from a list of objects in the scene.
- Remove
Removes the object selected as the Focal Node.
- Use Camera
Specifies that the focal length from the camera selected in the Camera Selection list be used to determine the focal point.
Focal Parameters group
- Custom
Uses the values set in the Focal Parameters group box to determine the properties of the Depth of Field effect.
- Use Camera
Uses the values from the camera highlighted in the Camera Selection list to determine focal range, limit, and blur.
- Horiz Focal Loss
Determines the amount of blur along the horizontal axis when Custom has been chosen.
- Vert Focal Loss
Controls the amount of blur along the vertical axis when Custom has been chosen.
- Focal Range
Sets the Z distance, in units, to either side of the focal point in which the image will remain in focus when Custom has been
- Focal Limit
Sets the Z distance, in units, to either side of the focal point where blur will reach its maximum as specified by the Loss
spinners when Custom has been chosen.