Command entry: 
Utilities panel

Utilities rollout

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File Link Manager

Presets panel

Copy or New
The New Settings Preset dialog creates a new preset in the File Link Manager. The settings of the new preset either use default values (if you clicked New), or they inherit the values of a selected
preset (if you clicked Copy).
There are three choices for the type of file you want to link: AutoCAD Drawings, Autodesk, and Autodesk Revit.
After you have created a preset for "Autodesk (*.fbx)," this choice appears on the File Link Manager Presets panel under the
heading, "Autodesk FBX files."
After creating the preset, you can change its settings by clicking Modify.
To create a new preset:
- On the Presets panel of the File Link Manager, click New.
NoteNew is available only if no named presets are highlighted.
- On the New Settings Preset dialog, enter a name for your preset.
- Choose the format you want to use: AutoCAD, Revit, or Autodesk FBX.
- Click OK.
A new preset is created with default settings.
To copy a preset:
- On the Presets panel of the File Link Manager, choose a named preset.
- Click Copy.
NoteCopy is available only if a named preset is highlighted.
- In the New Settings Preset dialog, rename the preset, and click OK.
A new preset is created with the same settings as the selected preset.
NoteIf you do not rename the preset, this cancels the command.
- New Name
- Format
The file type for the preset: AutoCAD DWG/DXF, Autodesk FBX, or Revit FBX.