Command entry: 
Create panel



Object Type rollout

The Anchor helper lets you specify a click-to-play trigger in the scene. This trigger will be linked to a currently existing
object in the scene. This allows you to add links to other HTML pages, VRML97 worlds, or alternate cameras in your VRML97
To set up an Anchor to jump to another VRML world:
- Add an Anchor helper object by clicking the Anchor button and then dragging in the Top viewport to create its icon.
- Pick a Trigger Object in the scene that will be the object the viewer clicks while browsing.
- Choose Hyperlink Jump and designate a URL to jump to.
- When the user clicks the Trigger Object geometry, the browser will replace the current scene with the designated URL.
The Anchor rollout contains the following options:
- Pick Trigger Object
Specifies the geometry that will be the trigger for this anchor. Click this button, then select the geometry.
- Description
Lets you enter a text description or message that will appear in the browser's status bar when the mouse is over an object
that has an Anchor action defined for it.
- Hyperlink Jump
Creates an Anchor that jumps to a URL.
Specifies the location for Hyperlink Jump. Use your Bookmarks list, or enter a location manually. If the URL points to another
VRML97 world (a .wrl file) you can append "#CameraName" to the end of the URL to have the browser use the viewpoint named "CameraName" as the
initial view.
- Bookmarks
Lets you select a URL location from a list of bookmarks. Click Import List to import the list of bookmarks defined in your
browser, or manually enter new URLs into the list.
- Parameter
- Set Camera
Creates an Anchor that jumps to a given camera in the current VRML97 world.
- Camera
Specifies the name of the camera for Set Camera.
- Icon Size
Determines the size of the helper in the scene.