Using the HTML Help

This help system consists of compiled HTML pages. It is best viewed using Firefox 3 or Internet Explorer (IE7 or IE8).

Here are some tips on how to find more information when using the HTML Help Viewer:

The following browser features can be useful in navigating the 3ds Max help:

NoteMuch of the information about using HTML Help has been supplied directly by Microsoft. It has been made freely available for inclusion in HTML help projects such as this one. This information has been edited and reformatted to match that of the other online information systems shipping with 3ds Max.


Each topic in this document ends with a comments link. When you click Please Send Us Your Comments About This Page, the browser opens an electronic form you can use to send us comments or requests about that topic. We'll use that information when we revise the documentation set for a future release.


To copy a help topic:

  1. In the Topic pane, right-click the topic you want to copy, and then click Select All.
  2. Right-click again, and then click Copy. This copies the topic to the Windows Clipboard.
  3. Open the document you want to copy the topic to.
  4. Position your cursor where you want the information to appear.
  5. On the Edit menu, click Paste.

To copy only part of a topic:

To print the current help topic:

To see where the current topic fits in the information hierarchy (contents):

See Also