First, you use Inventor to export the model as an SAT file.
Open Autodesk Inventor and export the part to SAT format:
If you don’t have Autodesk Inventor installed on your system, you can skip ahead to the next lesson, Import the Model into 3ds Max Design.
- Start
Autodesk Inventor.
- On the ribbon
Launch panel, click
(Open). Browse to the \import\Inventor_import folder in your 3ds Max Design tutorials project, and open the file blade_clamp.ipt.
This model is of a small blade clamp mounted on a pin.
- From the
Application menu, choose Export
CAD Format.
Inventor opens a Save Copy As dialog.
- From the Save As Type drop-down list, choose “SAT Files (*.sat).” Change the file name to my_blade_clamp.sat, and then click Save.
Inventor saves my_blade_clamp.sat in the same folder as blade_clamp.ipt.
- Exit Autodesk Inventor.