Edge.IsBoundary operator




Edge が境界であるか(true)ないか(false)を示すBoolean値を戻します。


// get accessor

Boolean rtn = Edge.IsBoundary;

1. VBScript の例


' 	This example demonstrates how to use the Edge.IsBoundary property. It also 

'	demonstrates how to work with the Selection object to get a collection of

'	the actual components that are selected.


NewScene , false 

CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface" 


SelectGeometryComponents "grid.edge[4,5]" 

' Because edge components were selected, the Selection object actually contains 

' only one object which is a CollectionItem. In order to get at the edges

' themselves, we need to call the CollectionItem.ComponentCollection

set oSelectedEdges = Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection

logmessage "is edge 4 a boundary ? " & oSelectedEdges(0).IsBoundary 

logmessage "is edge 5 a boundary ? " & oSelectedEdges(1).IsBoundary

' Output of above script:

'INFO : is edge 4 a boundary ? True

'INFO : is edge 5 a boundary ? False

2. JScript の例


	This example demonstrates how to use the Edge.IsBoundary property. It also 

	demonstrates how to work with the Selection object to get a collection of

	the actual components that are selected.


NewScene( null, false );

CreatePrim( "Grid", "MeshSurface" );


SelectGeometryComponents( "grid.edge[4,5]" );

// Because edge components were selected, the Selection object actually contains 

// only one object which is a CollectionItem. In order to get at the edges

// themselves, we need to call the CollectionItem.ComponentCollection

var oSelectedEdges = Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection;

logmessage( "is edge 4 a boundary ? " + oSelectedEdges(0).IsBoundary );

logmessage( "is edge 5 a boundary ? " + oSelectedEdges(1).IsBoundary );

// Output of above script:

//INFO : is edge 4 a boundary ? true

//INFO : is edge 5 a boundary ? false