

オブジェクト識別子、モデル識別子、GUID、クラシック ID、または指定されたオブジェクトの SPDL ファイルを戻します。


Object DataRepository.GetIdentifier( Object in_varObject, siObjectIdentifierType in_idType );


oString = DataRepository.GetIdentifier( Object, [Type] );


String または Integer


パラメータ タイプ 説明
Object オブジェクトまたはString 情報を取得する対象のオブジェクト
Type siObjectIdentifierType 戻される識別子のタイプ

デフォルト値:siObjectIdentifier (object id)

1. VBScript の例

NewScene , false

set oDatabase = XSIUtils.DataRepository

set oCube = CreatePrim( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )

Application.LogMessage oDatabase.GetIdentifier( oCube )

Application.LogMessage oDatabase.GetIdentifier( oCube, siObjectGUID )

' Select an object out of model and in a model

SelectObj ",Cube,Scene_Root"

set oSelection = Application.Selection

for each oItem in oSelection

	Application.LogMessage & " has ID " & oDatabase.GetIdentifier( oItem , siModelIdentifier )

	Application.LogMessage & " has ID " & oDatabase.GetIdentifier( oItem )


'INFO : 60

'INFO : {76BD459D-0C6F-4AC6-8489-1F0AD4E31079}

'INFO : Camera has ID -1

'INFO : Camera has ID 97

'INFO : cube has ID 416

'INFO : cube has ID 60

'INFO : Scene_Root has ID 416

'INFO : Scene_Root has ID 416

2. JScript の例


	Example demonstrating how to determine the Class ID and the SPDL file of an object.

	It also demonstrates how to use the Class ID to find all objects of a particular type in the scene.


NewScene( null, false ) ;

GetPrimLight("Point.Preset", "Point", "");

GetPrimLight("Spot.Preset", "Spot", "");

GetPrimLight("Spot.Preset", "Spot", "");

GetPrimLight("Infinite.Preset", "Infinite", "");

// Get information about about one of the lights

var oDataRep = XSIUtils.DataRepository ;

var oLight = Dictionary.GetObject( "Point.light" )

var classID = oDataRep.GetIdentifier( oLight, siObjectCLSID );

// Now that we know the ClassID from one light we can discover all the 

// lights in the scene

var oLightsXSICollection = FindObjects( null, classID ) ;

Application.LogMessage( "Info about lights in the scene:" ) ;

for ( var i = 0 ; i < oLightsXSICollection.Count ; i++ )


	var oLight = oLightsXSICollection.Item(i) ;

	classID = oDataRep.GetIdentifier( oLight, 3 );

	var objectGuid = oDataRep.GetIdentifier( oLight, siObjectGUID );

	var	spdlFile = oDataRep.GetIdentifier( oLight, siSpdlFile ) ;

	// Each light has a different Object GUID but they 

	// all share the same SPDL file and Class ID

	Application.LogMessage( "Name: " + oLight + "\t\tType: " + oLight.Type ) ;

	Application.LogMessage( "ClassID: " + classID ) ;

	Application.LogMessage( "Object GUID: " + objectGuid ) ;

	Application.LogMessage( "SPDL File: " + spdlFile + "\n" ) ;


// Output of this example is similar to the following (SPDL path and Object GUID may differ):


//INFO : "Info about lights in the scene:"

//INFO : "Name: Point.light		Type: light"

//INFO : "ClassID: {F3705C30-5204-11D0-8298-00A0243E366B}"

//INFO : "Object GUID: {6AB2367F-1714-4F63-9AD8-334EB405F6FB}"

//INFO : "SPDL File: s:\Application\spdl\C3DLightPoint.spdl


//INFO : "Name: Infinite.light		Type: light"

//INFO : "ClassID: {F3705C30-5204-11D0-8298-00A0243E366B}"

//INFO : "Object GUID: {BC839168-AB8A-4913-B8DE-801A9CD570C7}"

//INFO : "SPDL File: s:\Application\spdl\C3DLightPoint.spdl


//INFO : "Name: light.light		Type: light"

//INFO : "ClassID: {F3705C30-5204-11D0-8298-00A0243E366B}"

//INFO : "Object GUID: {1667B7C6-6347-4FB2-81FC-B91557C9F35D}"

//INFO : "SPDL File: s:\Application\spdl\C3DLightPoint.spdl


//INFO : "Name: Spot1.light		Type: light"

//INFO : "ClassID: {F3705C30-5204-11D0-8298-00A0243E366B}"

//INFO : "Object GUID: {B7E88791-0899-407C-9C13-3E426564136D}"

//INFO : "SPDL File: s:\Application\spdl\C3DLightPoint.spdl


//INFO : "Name: Spot.light		Type: light"

//INFO : "ClassID: {F3705C30-5204-11D0-8298-00A0243E366B}"

//INFO : "Object GUID: {42171148-C315-4D96-AC79-C423AF977B1F}"

//INFO : "SPDL File: s:\Application\spdl\C3DLightPoint.spdl

