




異なるスクリプト言語で記述されたコードの断片を生成、実行する必要がある場合には ExecuteScriptCode を使用します(Jscript から VBScript コードを実行する場合など)。

Application.ExecuteScriptファイルからスクリプトコードを読み取るとは異なり、ExecuteScriptCode はスクリプトコードを引数として取得します。


Object Application.ExecuteScriptCode( String in_ScriptText, String in_LanguageProgID, String in_ProcName, Object& io_Params );


oVariant = Application.ExecuteScriptCode( Code, Language, [ProcName], [Params] );




パラメータ タイプ 説明
Code String 有効なスクリプトコードを含む文字列。
Language String コードのスクリプト言語を指定します(VBScript、Jscript、Python など)。
ProcName String 実行するプロシージャ(関数やサブルーチン)の名前。プロシージャを実行する際には、任意のグローバルコード(プロシージャの外部にあるコード)も実行されます。

VBScript スクリプトでは、サブルーチン("sub")または関数("function")を実行できます。JScript では"function"キーワード、Python では"def"、Perlでは"sub"でプロシージャをそれぞれ宣言します。
Params VariantArray プロシージャに渡す引数。

1. JScript の例

//JScript example that shows how to mix scripting languages

vbscriptFragment = "LogMessage \"Hello from VBScript\"" ;

pythonScriptFragment = "Application.LogMessage( \"Hello from Python\" )" ;

jscriptFragment = "LogMessage(\"Hello from JScript\")" ;

Application.ExecuteScriptCode( vbscriptFragment, "VBScript" ) ;

Application.ExecuteScriptCode( pythonScriptFragment, "Python" ) ;

// Eval is a built-in JScript function that does the same thing 

// as Application.ExecuteScriptCode, but only for JScript code

eval( jscriptFragment ) ;

// Errors in the executed script are logged and returned

// to the caller, so you can catch and handle exceptions



	Application.ExecuteScriptCode( "Bad Script Code", "VBScript" ) ;


catch( e )


	LogMessage( "Script code failed: " + e.description ) ;


//Expected output:

//INFO : Hello from VBScript

//INFO : Hello from Python

//INFO : Hello from JScript

//ERROR : Expected end of statement - [line 1]

//INFO : Script code failed: Expected end of statement [Line 1 in Script Text]

2. VBScript の例

'VBScript example that shows how to use mix scripting languages

vbscriptFragment = "LogMessage ""Hello from VBScript"" "

pythonScriptFragment = "Application.LogMessage( ""Hello from Python"" )" 

jscriptFragment = "LogMessage(""Hello from JScript"")" 

' Execute is a built-in VBScript function that does the same 

' thing as Application.ExecuteScriptCode, but only for VBScript code

Execute( vbscriptFragment)

Application.ExecuteScriptCode jscriptFragment , "JScript" 

'This line fails if Python is not installed

Application.ExecuteScriptCode pythonScriptFragment, "Python" 

' Errors in the executed script are logged and returned

' to the caller, so you can catch and handle exceptions

on error resume next

Application.ExecuteScriptCode "Bad Script Code", "VBScript" 

if err <> 0 then

	LogMessage "Script code failed: " & err.description 

end if

'Expected output:

'INFO : Hello from VBScript

'INFO : Hello from Python

'INFO : Hello from JScript

'ERROR : Expected end of statement - [line 1]

'INFO : Script code failed: Expected end of statement [Line 1 in Script Text]

3. JScript の例

// JScript example that shows how to call a simple VBScript function from JScript, 

// and how to pass in arguments and get the return value

var strVBRoutine = "function VBRound( in_var )\n" + 

			"VBRound = Round( in_var )\n" + 

			"end function" ;

var aArgs = new Array ;

aArgs[0] = 1.056879 ;

LogMessage( Application.ExecuteScriptCode( strVBRoutine, "VBScript", "VBRound", aArgs) ) ;

aArgs[0] = 99.9999 ;

LogMessage( Application.ExecuteScriptCode( strVBRoutine, "VBScript", "VBRound", aArgs) ) ;

// Expected results;

//INFO : 1

//INFO : 100


Command Application.ExecuteScript