Classes | Modules | Enumerator | Variables
xsimrCurveExtrapolation Enum
RenderMap Define


struct  xsimrProfileCurveData
 A profile curve data sampled into linear segments. More...
struct  xsimrParticleShape
 Particle shape structure. More...
struct  xsimrParticleBlob
 Particle data blob structure. More...
struct  xsimrAttributeData
 A structure containing the information for a single attribute. More...
struct  xsimrPointCloudData
 The main particle data header. More...
struct  xsimrPointCloudIndex
 Stores the PointCloud index. More...
struct  xsimrTimeMapValue
 A single range to frame mapping entry. More...
struct  xsimrAttributeImageTimeMap
 List of range to frame mapping values. More...
struct  xsimrMeshAttribute
 A structure representing an ICE attribute on a mesh. More...
struct  xsimrMesh
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 xsimrAttributeType Enum
 PointCloud Defines


miBoolean set
miScalar diffuse
miScalar specular
miColor color
miColor shadow
miInteger n_points
miVector2d points [1]
miInteger instance_id
miUint offset
xsimrAttributeType type
miBoolean constant
miUint size
miTag offsets
miTag data
miTag blob_type
miUint nb_particles
miTag positions
int i_data
int n_data
xsimrAttributeData attributes [1]
miUint st_index
miScalar range_max
miInteger index
xsimrTimeMapValue time_map [1]
enum  xsimrCurveExtrapolation {
enum  xsimrParticleShapeType {
  xsimrSHAPE_INSTANCE = 128

Detailed Description

Extrapolation methods used for evaluating the curve before and after the end points.

See also:

Enumeration Type Documentation


The values of the end points extend to infinity


The end segments extend to infinity


The curve cycles indefinitely in both directions, each curve starting on the same value


The curve cycles indefinitely in both directions, but each curve after the original starts on the end point of the previous curve, and each curve before ends on the start point of the next.

xsimrParticleShapeType xsimrParticleShapeType Enum Defines the particle shape types for rendering.

See also:
xsimrParticleShape, xsimrPointCloudData, xsimrAttributeData

Point type.


Segment type.


Disc type.


Rectangle type.


Sphere type.


Box type.


Cylinder type.


Capsule type.


Cone type.


Blob type.


Simple shape type.


Instance type.

Variable Documentation

miBoolean set

Values were set by the light

miScalar diffuse

Diffuse contribution

miScalar specular

Specular contribution

miColor color

Light color without shadow.

miColor shadow

Shadow color. Multiply with the light color to get final value.

miInteger n_points

Number of points on the curve.

miVector2d points[1]

An array of profile curve sample points.

miInteger instance_id

If the shape type is xsimrSHAPE_INSTANCE, then this index into the instance list on the pointcloud geometry shader's parameter structure

miUint offset

Offset, in bytes, into the data array given in xsimrAttributeData where the blob data starts

The value type of the data. See xsimrAttributeType for which mental ray native data types each enumeration type maps to.

miBoolean constant

The constant flag of the data. If all the values of an attribute are the same, then the data is considered to be constant and only one value is stored, which should be used for all points in the cloud. In case of arrays, the same array is used for all points, rather than all values of the array being the same.

If this value is miTRUE then the userdata blob pointed to by xsimrAttributeData::data will contain only a single value, or a single array of values, and xsimrAttributeData::offsets, if defined, will contain only two indices.
miUint size

The size of the data type in bytes. This is equal to the result of the sizeof operator on the mental ray data type used to store the data (see ::siParticleAttributeType).

miTag offsets

The userdata tag for the array offset indices of type miUint32. If the data is an array of arrays, then this index list will give the index into the data list for the given particle. This list is one entry larger than the number of particles so that the length can always be calculated by ( offset[ id + 1 ] - offset[ id ] ) for each particle. If the data is constant, and that data is an array of arrays, then this list will contain two entries.

miTag data

The userdata tag to the actual value data storage. If the xsimrAttributeData::offsets tag is an miNULLTAG then there is only one single value per particle. Otherwise the data comes in contiguous value chunks for each particle, and the contents of the offsets data can be used to index into it for each particle.

miTag blob_type

A tag to a string that contains the blob type name if the type field is set to xsimrATTRIBUTE_BLOB. For any other type, it is left as a miNULLTAG.

2010 (8.0)
miUint nb_particles

Number of particles in the cloud

miTag positions

Particle position in local space

int i_data

Data index

int n_data

Data count

xsimrAttributeData attributes[1]

Attributes (optional) defined on the cloud

miUint st_index

Strand Point index

miScalar range_max

Maximum value for range

miInteger index


xsimrTimeMapValue time_map[1]

Single range to frame mapping entry