
指定の、共有されていない UVW を修正します。


oReturn = HealUVW( TextureProjection, SubComp );




パラメータ タイプ 説明
TextureProjection 文字列 修正したいサンプル ポイントのテクスチャ プロジェクション
SubComp 文字列 修正したいサンプル ポイントまたはタグ付きサンプル ポイントのクラスタ

VBScript の例

'  This example demonstrates how to generate unique UVs for an object,

'  how to edit those UVs and how to heal together two UV islands.

NewScene , false

CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface"

MakeLocal "Sphere.Scene_Material", siDefaultPropagation

' Connect an image shader to the diffuse port of the Phong

SIApplyShaderToCnxPoint "Image", "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.diffuse"

' generate unique UVs for the sphere

GenerateUniqueUVs "sphere", "Texture_Projection"

' place the UV islands we want to heal in a proper location.

TranslateUVW "sphere.sample[23-29,53-59,83-89,113-119,143-149,173-179,203-209,233-LAST]", "sphere.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection", 0.176414061952535, 0.367955043859649, 0, siRelative, siUVW, False

TranslateUVW "sphere.sample[157-172]", "sphere.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection", 0.437102357321886, 9.25822368421053E-02, 0, siRelative, siUVW, False

RotateUVW "sphere.sample[157-172]", "sphere.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection", 0, 0, -17.775, siRelative, siUVW, 0

' Alt + 7 to open the texture editor and take a look at the UVs.

' Now heal the UV islands

HealUVW "sphere.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection", "sphere.sample[23-29,53-59,83-89,113-119,143-149,157-179,203-209,233-LAST]"