Controls the visibility, renderability, selectability, and animation ghosting of members of groups, layers, and partitions.
To create a group: Select one or more objects, then click Group on the Edit panel. For more information about groups, see Grouping Objects [Scene Elements].
To create a layer: Open the scene layer manager (press 6) and then choose Layers New Layer or New Layer from Selection. For more information about layers, see Scene Layers [Scene Elements].
To create a partition: Select a pass, then choose Pass Partition
New from the Render toolbar. For more information about partitions, see Passes & Partitions [Rendering].
To redisplay: In an explorer, click the icon for a group (press S to set the explorer's scope to Scene), layer (press L to set the scope to Layers), or pass (press P to set the scope to Passes).
Name |
The name of the group, layer, or partition. |
Layer Group Name |
The name of the scene layer group to which the layer belongs. This parameter is available for scene layers only. |
View Visibility |
Determines whether objects are visible in the 3D views. Invisible objects can still be rendered according to their Render Visibility settings.
Render Visibility |
Determines whether objects are visible during rendering. Non-renderable objects can still be seen in 3D views according to their View Visibility settings.
Selectability |
Determines whether objects are selectable in the 3D views. Objects are always selectable in explorer and schematic views.
View Playback Visibility |
Determines whether objects are visible in the 3D views during playback. Hiding objects can increase playback speed.
Animation Ghosting |
Determines whether the animation of objects is ghosted in the 3D views. Animation ghosting is sometimes called onion-skinning. For more information about ghosting, see Ghosting Animated Objects [Animation].
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