Reparameterizes a NURBS curve.
To apply: Select a curve and choose Modify Curve
Reparameterize from the Model toolbar.
To redisplay: Select the curve then choose Edit Properties
Modeling Properties and click the Reparameterize Curve tab.
The way in which any point along the length of a curve is described in terms of the parameter U. Any given point along the curve can have different U values under different parameterizations.
Uniform. The difference between successive knots is equal to 1, regardless of the actual length of the curve segment. Uniform parameterization is especially suitable when merging and lofting.
Non-Uniform. The difference between successive knots is related to the length of each curve segment the first time the curve is drawn. However, when you edit the curve, the parameterization is not recomputed. Instead, the exact shape of the curve is preserved. You can manipulate curves with non-uniform parameterization more accurately.
Chord Length. The difference between successive knot values is related to the actual length of each curve segment. When you move a point, the parameterization of the curve is completely recomputed to preserve the relation between the length of the segments and the knot spacing. As a result of this recomputation, the edited segment jumps to a slightly different position when you release the mouse button.
Centripetal. The knot spacing is related to the square root of the length of each curve segment. In some cases, this may make smoother curves. As with chord-length parameterization, the parameterization is completely recomputed when you move points, with the result that the curve may jump.
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