Modulate Value Over Time


This compound modifies values over time using a profile curve.

Plug its Value output into any port that accepts a scalar value, such as the Mass, Size, Speed, or Rate ports of the Emit compound.

For more information, see Modifying Values Over Time [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Modifiers

Output Ports: Value

Start Time

The first frame in the timeline at which you want to modify the value.


The number of frames over which the value is modified.


Toggles the looping of the particle value's change over time based on the Duration value.


This graph determines the particle value change over the Duration that you specify.

Tip: If you're modifying the particle Size parameter, make sure that the start value isn't 0 (zero) or else the particles will have no size at emission! Just nudge the value up a bit on the Y axis to make it any value above zero.

Base Value

The parameter's value that the particle reaches at the last frame defined by the Duration.

For example, if you modify the particle Size parameter and you set this to 5, it gives the particles a radius of 5 units when they have reached a value of 1 on the profile curve graph.

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