Bounce Off Surface


This compound makes particles bounce off one or more objects' surfaces upon collision.

Plug its Execute output into a Port of the ICETree node or in an Execute port of a State compound, if you're using the state system.

For more information, see ICE Particles Bouncing Off Obstacles.

TipIf you create collisions with particles using any of the Surface Interaction compounds (such as this one), you cannot also make those particles into rigid bodies in the same ICE tree. This is because the Surface Interaction compounds use the Simulate Particles node, while particle rigid bodies use the Simulate Bullet Rigid Bodies or Simulate Rigid Bodies node.

For information on particle rigid bodies, see ICE Rigid Bodies.

Tasks: Particles/Surface Interaction

Output Ports: Execute


The object off which the particles bounce upon collision. This object must have a surface. Plug the object's Value output into this port.


The type of method for colliding with an object:

  • Static Collision, for use with objects that don't deform over time.

  • Deformed Collision (Continuous), for use with object that are shape-animated or whose geometry deforms over time, such as envelopes.

Offset Method

The method by which the particles are offset from the object off which they're bouncing: Use Particle Size or Use Offset Distance, then set the Offset Distance below.

Offset Distance

If you selected Use Offset Distance as the Offset Method, you must enter the number of Softimage units by which the particles are offset from the object.

Max Bounces Per Frame

The maximum number of times per frame that the particles bounce off the object. This is good for limiting the bounces for fast-moving particles or complicated geometry.

Execute on Collide1

When the particle collides with an object, whatever compound or node is plugged into this port is executed. For example, if the Set Particle Color compound is plugged in here, the particles change color upon collision.

Enable Bounce

Toggles the activeness of the particles bouncing upon collision.

Bounce Factor

The elasticity that the particles have when they bounce off the object. A value of 1 returns the same amount of energy for the particle, so that each bounce is identical. To have a more natural bounce, set this value to anything lower than 1.

Randomness Angle

Adds a random variation to the bounce angle after the first bounce so that the particles move in a less rigid way. You could use this for a splash-type effect: at the first bounce, the particles are randomly sprayed away in different directions.

Select Bounce Side

Determines off which sides of the collision object the particles bounce: Both Sides of Surface, Outside of Surface, or Inside of Surface (such as in a box, bowl, tube, or other such enclosed surface).

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