| Hue Graphs | Basics | RGB Graphs | Sat Graphs | Luma Graphs | Mask | Output
HSV Adjust is a color correct operator that adjusts color values as a function of hue.
Requires an Input (RGB or RGBA).
Produces an Output (RGB or RGBA).
NoteColor modifications in HSV or HLS space are not compatible with unclamped color values in floating-point (HDR) images.
Hue Graphs
Contains a hue curve, a hue suppress curve, and three color component curves on the same graph. Input are displayed along
the horizontal axis and mapped by the response curve to the new output values along the vertical axis. Select the curve you
require from the buttons at the top of the graph.
Sliders adjust the Gamma, Gain, and Offset values for each color component individually.
RGB Graphs
Contains three color component levels and a luma remapping curve on one graph. Input component and luma values are displayed
along the horizontal axis and mapped by the response curve to the new output values along the vertical axis. Select the curve
you require from the buttons at the top of the graph.
Sat Graphs
Contains a saturation curve. Input values are displayed along the horizontal axis and mapped by the response curve to the
new output values along the vertical axis.
Luma Graphs
Contains three color component luma curves on one graph. Component luma values are displayed along the horizontal axis and
mapped by the response curve to the new output values along the vertical axis. Select the curve you require from the buttons
at the top of the graph.