The interleave standalone merges pictures together by interleaving their fields (scan lines).
The interleave standalone allows you to accomplish the task of interleaving picture files outside the interface. You can also perform this task from within the Autodesk Softimage interface using the built-in interleave function.
For more information on interleaving fields within Softimage, see Field Rendering [Rendering].
interleave <input file 1> [<input file 2>] <output file> [-e | -o | -i] [-f] [-r <repeat count>] [-s <start frame> <end frame> <step>] [-v]
Where <input file 1> is the name of the first picture and <input file 2> is the name of the second picture. This parameter is optional when using the -s option. <output file> is the name you want to give to the result.
By default, the first scan line of the output file is the first scan line of the first input file. You can change this by specifying the options [-e | -o | -i].
For example, to interleave the image house1 and house2 from frames 1 to 300 with a step of 2 (-s 1 300 2) with the resulting image called houses, you would type:
interleave house1 house2 houses -s 1 300 2The name of the second picture is optional when using the -s option.
Here is another example which interleaves the files spherelayer1 and cylinderlayer2 with the resulting output as movecomposite. The operation is done from frames 1 and 100 with a step of 1, the field frame (-f) is read, and verbose mode is on (-v).
interleave spherelayer1 cylinderlayer2 movecomposite -s 1 100 1 -f -v Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License