Set Particle Goal


This compound lets you define the goal object to which particles are attracted. You can also choose exactly to which geometry component on the goal object the particles are attracted. You use this compound in conjunction with the Move Towards Goal Location compound, which defines how the particles move toward their goals (orientation, velocity, etc.).

Plug this compound's Execute output into the Execute on Emit port of an Emit compound or in an Execute port on a State compound, if you're using a state system.

For more information on goals, see ICE Particle Goals [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Setters,Particles/Goals

Output Ports: Execute

Select Goal Type

Select to which location on the goal object the particles are attracted:

  • Use Input Position Value (that you define below)

  • Use Random Location on Geometry

  • Use Closest Location on Geometry

  • Use Emit Location

  • Use Collision Location

  • Use Input Location (that you define with the Input Location port below)

See Particle Surface Interaction Attributes [ICE Particle Simulations] for more information on these locations.

Input Position

If you selected Input Position as the Select Goal Type, enter the XYZ values here to define that position in global space.


The goal object to which particles are attracted. This must be an object with a surface. Plug the object's Value output into this port.

Input Location

If you selected Input Location as the Select Goal Type, you need to plug in the Location output from a node (such as Get Closest Location) into this port to define that location of the goal object.

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