Propagates the manipulations that you perform on one ShotClip to other ShotClips on the track.
For example, if you drag to make one ShotClip longer, all other ShotClips are moved forward the same amount. The amount of
space between the ShotClips remains the same.
Stops the Shot Track from playing back with the rest of the scene. It turns light orange when active. When you do this, all
ShotClips on that track appear in a light gray to show that they are inactive.
If you move a muted ShotClip to another normal Shot Track, then the ShotClip becomes automatically active.
You cannot mute individual ShotClips on a Shot Track
Plays only that Shot Track. It turns green when active. You can solo more than one Shot Track so that only the tracks you
specify play back.
Locks the position and duration of all ShotClips on the Shot Track. When a Shot Track is locked, the name of the Shot Track
and all the elements within it (Clip list, Shot, Time control) in the Explorer is appended with the string (Lock).