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v9.0 (2011)


Sets an attribute on the shader parameter definition. For example, to set a filter on a shader parameter definition of type reference, use siReferenceFilterAttribute as the attribute name and one of the siShaderReferenceFilterType values when calling the SetAttribute method. The filter restricts which items the user can select with the widget.

C# Syntax

StringModule.siReferenceFilterAttribute                                     // ReferenceFilter
StringModule.siPropertyFilterAttribute                                      // PropertyFilter
StringModule.siCustomTypeNameAttribute                                      // CustomTypeName
StringModule.siShaderFamilyAttribute                                        // ShaderFamily
StringModule.siDefaultConnectionAttribute                                   // DefaultConnection
StringModule.siWritableImageAttribute                                       // WritableImage
StringModule.siWritableImageTypeAttribute                                   // WritableImageType
StringModule.siRenderTreeNodeColorRAttribute                                // RenderTreeNodeColorR
StringModule.siRenderTreeNodeColorGAttribute                                // RenderTreeNodeColorG
StringModule.siRenderTreeNodeColorBAttribute                                // RenderTreeNodeColorB
StringModule.siUseRenderTreeLayoutPortDisplayNamesAttribute                 // UseRenderTreeLayoutPortDisplayNames
StringModule.siRecompileMetaSLOnValueChange                                 // RecompileMetaSLOnValueChange
StringModule.siCAVTangentsAttribute                                         // Tangents
StringModule.siCAVBinormalsAttribute                                        // Binormals
Constant Value Description
siReferenceFilterAttribute ReferenceFilter Type of filter for a shader's reference parameter type. Set one of the siShaderReferenceFilterType enum values.
siPropertyFilterAttribute PropertyFilter Type of filter for a shader's property parameter type. Set one of the siShaderPropertyFilterType enum values.
siCustomTypeNameAttribute CustomTypeName Type of filter for a shader's custom type. Set one of the siShaderCustomDataType enum values.
siShaderFamilyAttribute ShaderFamily Type of filter for a shader's family.
siDefaultConnectionAttribute DefaultConnection Default connection to make when a shader is dropped on a port or an existing connection. Valid for input and outputs.
siWritableImageAttribute WritebleImage Type of filter for a writable image.
siWritableImageTypeAttribute WritableImageType Type of filter for a writable image type.
siRenderTreeNodeColorRAttribute RenderTreeNodeColorR Type of filter to match the Red color for a RenderTree node.
siRenderTreeNodeColorGAttribute RenderTreeNodeColorG Type of filter to match the Green color for a RenderTree node.
siRenderTreeNodeColorBAttribute RenderTreeNodeColorB Type of filter to match the Blue color for a RenderTree node.
siUseRenderTreeLayoutPortDisplayNamesAttribute UseRenderTreeLayoutPortDisplayNames Controls which display name to use in the Render Tree layout when no layout is given. By default, the ports will use the script name. Set this attribute to true to use the display name from the PPG.
siRecompileMetaSLOnValueChange RecompileMetaSLOnValueChange When this attribute is set to true and the parameter value changes, the MetaSL viewport shader will be recompiled. This is needed when the number of light casting shadows changes or when switching light types.
siCAVTangentsAttribute Tangents When this attribute is set to true, tangent data will be generated for this property for the MetaSL viewport shader.
siCAVBinormalsAttribute Binormals When this attribute is set to true, binormal data will be generated for this property for the MetaSL viewport shader.

Applies To

ShaderParamDefOptions.SetAttribute MetaShaderRendererDef.RendererOptions ShaderParamDefOptions::SetAttribute Refining UI Controls for Parameter Definitions

See Also

siShaderReferenceFilterType siShaderPropertyFilterType siShaderCustomDataType