


All user preference string constants.

Note: You can use either the name of the constant (under the Constant column) or the string it represents (under the Value column), as long as you remember that the Value is a string (so you need to use quotation marks), but the Constant is an enum, so you can't use quotation marks.

C# Syntax

StringModule.siAutoInspect                                                  // AutoInspectEnabled
StringModule.siCompensationFlag                                             // SI3D_CONSTRAINT_COMPENSATION_MODE
StringModule.siCustomCommandLibCache                                        // CustomCommandLibCache
StringModule.siCustomOperatorLibCache                                       // CustomOperatorLibCache
StringModule.siDisplayCallbackLibCache                                      // DisplayCallbackLibCache
StringModule.siDisplayLibCache                                              // DisplayLibCache
StringModule.siDisplayPassLibCache                                          // DisplayPassLibCache
StringModule.siEventLibCache                                                // EventLibCache
StringModule.siFilterLibCache                                               // FilterLibCache
StringModule.siMenuLibCache                                                 // MenuLibCache
StringModule.siPropertyLibCache                                             // PropertyLibCache
StringModule.siRTShaderLibCache                                             // RealTimeShaderLibCache
StringModule.siScrCommandLogEnabled                                         // SCR_CMDLOG_ENABLED
StringModule.siScrCommandLogFileName                                        // SCR_CMDLOG_FILENAME
StringModule.siScrCommandLogMaxSize                                         // SCR_CMDLOG_MAXSIZE
StringModule.siScrCommandLogToFile                                          // SCR_CMDLOG_TOFILE
StringModule.siScrCommandLogUnlimitedSize                                   // SCR_CMDLOG_UNLIMITEDSIZE
StringModule.siScrLanguage                                                  // ScriptLanguage
StringModule.siScrMessageLogEnabled                                         // SCR_MSGLOG_ENABLED
StringModule.siScrRealTimeMessagingEnabled                                  // SCR_RTMSG_ENABLED
StringModule.siTimeDisplayFormatDisplayAsFrames                             // SI3D_TIMEDISPLAYFORMAT_DISPLAYASFRAMES
StringModule.siTimeDisplayFormatDisplayUserFormat                           // SI3D_TIMEDISPLAYFORMAT_DISPLAYUSERFORMAT
StringModule.siTimeDisplayFormatUserFormat                                  // SI3D_TIMEDISPLAYFORMAT_USERFORMAT
StringModule.siTimeFormatDefaultFrameFormat                                 // SI3D_TIMEFORMAT_DEFAULTFRAMEFORMAT
StringModule.siTimeFormatDefaultFrameRate                                   // SI3D_TIMEFORMAT_DEFAULTFRAMERATE
StringModule.siTransformAxisMode                                            // 3D_TRANSFO_EDITED_AXIS_CHANGED
StringModule.siTransformRefMode                                             // 3D_TRANSFO_REFERENTIAL_CHANGED
StringModule.siUILayoutDefault                                              // UI_LAYOUT_DEFAULT
Constant Value Description
siAutoInspect AutoInspectEnabled TRUE to force the property dialogs to automatically pop up on object creation.

Corresponds to User Preferences > Interaction > General > Automatically Popup Property Editors on Node Creation in the User Interface.

Note: This preference cannot be changed permanently via scripting. See Property Editor Automatic Inspection for more information.
siCompensationFlag SI3D_CONSTRAINT_COMPENSATION_MODE Toggle the Comp button in the Constrain panel.

Possible values are:

0 = off

1 = on

Corresponds to Constrain < Compensation in the main-menu.
siCustomCommandLibCache CustomCommandLibCache This preference enables or disables the custom command library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile an add-on library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siCustomOperatorLibCache CustomOperatorLibCache This preference enables or disables the custom operator library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile an add-on library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siDisplayCallbackLibCache DisplayCallbackLibCache This preference enables or disables the custom display callback library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siDisplayLibCache DisplayLibCache This preference enables or disables the custom view library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siDisplayPassLibCache DisplayPassLibCache This preference enables or disables the custom display pass library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siEventLibCache EventLibCache This preference enables or disables the event library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile an add-on library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siFilterLibCache FilterLibCache This preference enables or disables the custom filter library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siMenuLibCache MenuLibCache This preference enables or disables the custom menu library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siPropertyLibCache PropertyLibCache This preference enables or disables the custom property library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siRTShaderLibCache RTShaderLibCache This preference enables or disables the Realtime shader library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile an add-on library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
siScrCommandLogEnabled SCR_CMDLOG_ENABLED Set to True to enable command execution logging in the scripting history window.
siScrCommandLogFileName SCR_CMDLOG_FILENAME Use this user preference to specify the name of the file to use for logging commands and messages. Use siSrcCommandLogToFile to enable logging to file.
siScrCommandLogMaxSize SCR_CMDLOG_MAXSIZE Use this user preference to get and set the maximum size for the scripting command/message log.
siScrCommandLogToFile SCR_CMDLOG_TOFILE Set to True to log the scripting command/message to a file. Use siSrcCommandLogFileName to specify the log file name.
siScrCommandLogUnlimitedSize SCR_CMDLOG_UNLIMITEDSIZE Set to True to allow the scripting command/message log to be of an unlimited size.
siScrLanguage SCR_LANGUAGE Use this user preference to get and set the preferred scripting language. Possible values are:





siScrMessageLogEnabled SCR_MSGLOG_ENABLED Set to True to enable message logging in the scripting history window.
siScrRealTimeMessagingEnabled SCR_RTMSG_ENABLED Set to True to enable real-time message logging in the scripting history window. Messages are delivered immediately as they arrive instead of reported at the end of the command execution.
siTimeDisplayFormatDisplayAsFrames SI3D_TIMEDISPLAYFORMAT_DISPLAYASFRAMES Set to True to display time as frame.
siTimeDisplayFormatDisplayUserFormat SI3D_TIMEDISPLAYFORMAT_DISPLAYUSERFORMAT Set to True to use the default frame format or false for a user selected format for display purposes.
siTimeDisplayFormatUserFormat SI3D_TIMEDISPLAYFORMAT_USERFORMAT Use this user preference to specify the user display frame format. The value will be corresponding to siDisplayTimeFormat.
siTimeFormatDefaultFrameFormat SI3D_TIMEFORMAT_DEFAULTFRAMEFORMAT Use this user preference to specify the default frame format. The value will be corresponding to siDefaultTimeFormat.
siTimeFormatDefaultFrameRate SI3D_TIMEFORMAT_DEFAULTFRAMERATE Use this user preference to access the default frame rate.
siTransformAxisMode 3D_TRANSFO_EDITED_AXIS_CHANGED Set the Transformation Axis Mode.

The values to provide are actually bitmasks with bit zero for X, bit one for Y, and bit two for Z.

siTransformRefMode 3D_TRANSFO_REFERENTIAL_CHANGED Set the Transformation Reference Mode. See siRefMode for a list of possible values.
siUILayoutDefault UI_LAYOUT_DEFAULT Use this user preference to specify the default current layout that will be used when starting Softimage.

Applies To

GetUserPref SetUserPref siDefaultTimeFormat siDisplayTimeFormat