' This example show how to print out the point positions and
' the triangle data for a polygon mesh
set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.root
set oCube = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )
set oGeometry = oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry
set oTriangles = oGeometry.Triangles
aIndexArray = oTriangles.IndexArray
aPointArray = oGeometry.Points.PositionArray
Application.LogMessage "Object: " & oCube.Name
Application.LogMessage "points: " & UBound( aPointArray, 2 )-LBound( aPointArray, 2 )+1
' print out the x,y,z positions of each point
for i=LBound( aPointArray, 2 ) to UBound( aPointArray, 2 )
Application.LogMessage vbTab & _
aPointArray(0,i) & "," & _
aPointArray(1,i) & "," & _
Application.LogMessage "triangles: " & UBound( aIndexArray, 2 )-LBound( aIndexArray, 2 )+1
' print out the point indices for each triangle
for i=LBound( aIndexArray, 2 ) to UBound( aIndexArray, 2 )
Application.LogMessage vbTab & _
aIndexArray(0,i) & "," & _
aIndexArray(1,i) & "," & _