


Returns the X, Y and Z values of the vector in an array. The values in the array are ordered the same as the SIVector3.Get output parameters.

Note: This method must be used with scripting languages that don't support arguments passed by reference such as JScript. For more information on getting output arguments, see About Output Argument Arrays.

C# Syntax

Object SIVector3.Get2();

Scripting Syntax

oArray = SIVector3.Get2();

Return Value

Array ordered as X, Y, Z


JScript Example

var v1, x, y, z;
var v1 = XSIMath.CreateVector3(2.0, 3.0 , 4.0);
var vbArr = new VBArray( v1.get2() );
var array = vbArr.toArray();
Application.LogMessage( array[0] +","+ array[1] +","+ array[2] );

See Also
