


Sets or returns the visibility of the progress bar as a Boolean. Use this property to make the progress bar appear on the screen. By default, it is fale (the progress bar is not visible).

Note: For JScript, you must explicitly set this property to false when the script is finished with the progress bar (the other scripting languages close it automatically).

C# Syntax

// get accessor
Boolean rtn = ProgressBar.Visible;
// set accessor
ProgressBar.Visible = Boolean;


VBScript Example

dim progressbar
set progressbar = XSIUIToolkit.ProgressBar
progressbar.Maximum = 70
progressbar.Step = 1
progressbar.CancelEnabled = false
progressbar.Visible= true
for i = 1 to 60
        progressbar.Caption = "step" & i
        progressbar.Increment i
progressbar.Visible= false