




Returns a ClusterPropertyCollection containing each vertex color ClusterProperty objects installed on this PolygonMesh.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
ClusterPropertyCollection rtn = PolygonMesh.VertexColors;


JScript Example

// create scene with sphere
NewScene( null, false );
CreatePrim("Sphere", "MeshSurface", null, null);
// get selected elements from scene
if ( Selection.count == 0 ) {
        LogMessage( "Nothing selected", siError );
} else {        
        var objs = Selection;
        // get selected meshes from selection list
        var meshes = SIFilter( objs, "polygon_mesh", true, siQuickSearch );
        if ( !meshes ) {
                LogMessage( "No polygon meshes selected", siError );
        // add 4 vertex color properties to each mesh
        for ( var i = 0; i < objs.count; i++ ) {
                // get current mesh (type : "polyMsh")
                var obj = objs( i );
                // get obj material
                var mat = obj.Material;
                // if material is not local add one
                if ( mat.IsA(siSharedPSet) ) {
                        mat = obj.AddMaterial();
                // get polygon mesh geometry
                var polymesh = obj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry;    
                for ( var j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
        // list all vertex colors installed on polygon meshes
        for ( var i = 0; i < objs.count; i++ ) {
                // get current mesh (type : "polyMsh")
                var obj = objs( i );
                // get polygon mesh geometry
                var polymesh = obj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry;    
                var vertexcolors = polymesh.VertexColors;
                LogMessage( vertexcolors.Count );
                for ( var j = 0; j < vertexcolors.Count; j++ )
                        var vertexcolor = vertexcolors(j);
                        LogMessage( vertexcolor.fullname );

See Also

PolygonMesh.AddVertexColor PolygonMesh.CurrentVertexColor