Use this method as a tool for fine tuning the layout of a property page. The most basic usage is to provide just a height value to create a horizontal band of blank space. It can also be used to control the horizontal placement of other controls that are part of the same row.
PPGItem PPGLayout.AddSpacer( Int32 in_opt_width, Int32 in_opt_Height ); |
oReturn = PPGLayout.AddSpacer( [Width], [Height] ); |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Width | Long | Width of the spacer (in pixels). It is only necessary to
specify this value when there are other controls in the same row.
Default Value: 0 |
Height | Long | Height of the text. If not specified the spacer will be a
standard control height (22 pixels)
Default Value: 0 |
dim oNewPset, oLayout, oParam, oItem set oNewPset = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "SpacerDemo" ) 'We put this parameter between each static so it is clear how much space each is using call oNewPset.AddParameter2( "spacer", siDouble ) set oLayout = oNewPset.PPGLayout oLayout.AddStaticText "This is a demo of the PPGLayout.AddSpacer" _ & vbCrLf & "Space starts now......." oLayout.AddSpacer , 70 oLayout.AddStaticText "....Space ends" 'Just a one line gap in the text (can be achieved also 'with extra vbCrLf directly in the text) oLayout.AddSpacer oLayout.AddStaticText "Demo of spacers within a row:" oLayout.AddRow 'There is an intentional gap before and after Button 1 oLayout.AddSpacer 25 oLayout.AddButton "Btn1", "Button 1" oLayout.AddSpacer 75 oLayout.AddButton "Btn2", "Button 2" oLayout.AddButton "Btn3", "Button 3" oLayout.EndRow InspectObj oNewPSet |