
PPGLayout.AddSpacer operator




Use this method as a tool for fine tuning the layout of a property page. The most basic usage is to provide just a height value to create a horizontal band of blank space. It can also be used to control the horizontal placement of other controls that are part of the same row.

C# Syntax

PPGItem PPGLayout.AddSpacer( Int32 in_opt_width, Int32 in_opt_Height );

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = PPGLayout.AddSpacer( [Width], [Height] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
Width Long Width of the spacer (in pixels). It is only necessary to specify this value when there are other controls in the same row.

Default Value: 0

Height Long Height of the text. If not specified the spacer will be a standard control height (22 pixels)

Default Value: 0


VBScript Example

dim oNewPset, oLayout, oParam, oItem
set oNewPset = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "SpacerDemo" )
'We put this parameter between each static so it is clear how much space each is using
call oNewPset.AddParameter2( "spacer", siDouble )
set oLayout = oNewPset.PPGLayout
oLayout.AddStaticText "This is a demo of the PPGLayout.AddSpacer" _ 
                        & vbCrLf & "Space starts now......."
oLayout.AddSpacer , 70
oLayout.AddStaticText "....Space ends" 
'Just a one line gap in the text (can be achieved also
'with extra vbCrLf directly in the text)
oLayout.AddStaticText "Demo of spacers within a row:"
        'There is an intentional gap before and after Button 1
        oLayout.AddSpacer 25
        oLayout.AddButton "Btn1", "Button 1"
        oLayout.AddSpacer 75
        oLayout.AddButton "Btn2", "Button 2"
        oLayout.AddButton "Btn3", "Button 3"
InspectObj oNewPSet

See Also