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Adds a trimmed surface to the mesh.

C# Syntax

NurbsSurface NurbsSurfaceMesh.AddSurfaceWithTrim( Object in_vsaControlPoints, Object in_vsadUKnots, Object in_vsadVKnots, Boolean in_bUClosed, Boolean in_bVClosed, Int32 in_lUDegree, Int32 in_lVDegree, siKnotParameterization in_eUParam, siKnotParameterization in_eVParam, siNurbsFormat in_eNurbsFormat, Int32 in_lNbTrim, Object in_vsabIsBoundary, Object in_vsalProjectionType, Object in_vsalNbCurve, Object in_vsaCurveControlPoints, Object in_vsaCurveNbControlPoints, Object in_vsaCurveParam, Object in_vsaCurveKnots, Object in_vsaCurveNbKnots, Object in_vsaCurveDegree, Object in_vsaCurveClosed );

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = NurbsSurfaceMesh.AddSurfaceWithTrim( [ControlPoints], [UKnots], [VKnots], [UClosed], [VClosed], [UDegree], [VDegree], [UParam], [VParam], [NurbsFormat], [NbTrim], [IsBoundary], [ProjectionType], [NbCurve], [CurveControlPoints], [CurveNbControlPoints], [CurveParam], [CurveKnots], [CurveNbKnots], [CurveDegree], [CurveClosed] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
ControlPoints 1D or 3D Array The control points used for creating the nurbs surface. The control points can be stored in a 1-dimensional array or in a 3-dimensional matrix (UxVx4) of x,y,z,w values. The 1 dimensional array should contain the number of points in U and V at the beginning followed by a sequence of x,y,z,w values e.g. {U,V,Xo,Yo,Zo,...X(uv-1),Y(uv-1),Z(uv-1),W(uv-1)}.
UKnots Array of Doubles A vector of knot values in the U direction.
VKnots Array of Doubles An array of knot values in the V direction.
UClosed Boolean Specifies whether the nurbs surface is closed or not in U direction.

Default Value: false

VClosed Boolean Specifies whether the nurbs surface is closed or not in V direction.

Default Value: false

UDegree Long Degree of the nurbs surface in U direction.

Default Value: 3

VDegree Long Degree of the nurbs surface in V direction.

Default Value: 3

UParam siKnotParameterization The parameterization factor of the nurbs surface in U direction.

Default Value: siNonUniformParameterization

VParam siKnotParameterization The parameterization factor of the nurbs surface in V direction.

Default Value: siNonUniformParameterization

NurbsFormat siNurbsFormat Specifies how the data is formatted.

Default Value: siSINurbs

NbTrim Long Specifies how many trims this surface contains.

Default Value: 0

IsBoundary Array of Booleans Specifies whether each trim is a boundary.
ProjectionType Array of Longs Specifies the projection type of each trim. Each member of the array maps to a single trim, so the array is actually a combination of the possible values (0 and 1).

Possible Values:


0 UV space
1 World space
NbCurve Array of Longs Number of nurbs curves in each trim
CurveControlPoints 2D Array of 2D Array Array where each set of control points is stored in a 2-dimensional array. The array is 4 x Number of ControlPoints.
CurveNbControlPoints Array of Array of Longs Specifies the number of ControlPoints per NurbsCurve per trim.
CurveParam Array of Array of siKnotParameterization values The parameterization factor of the nurbs curve for each trim.
CurveKnots Array of Array of Doubles An array of knot values for each trim.
CurveNbKnots Array of Array of Longs Specifies the number of Knots per nurbs curve per trim.
CurveDegree Array of Array of Longs Degree of the nurbs curves for each trim.

Default Value: 3

CurveClosed Array of Array of Booleans Specifies whether the nurbs curve is closed for each trim.

Default Value: False


VBScript Example

' This example creates a sphere with a circular trim
Dim lDegree(2), bClosed(2), eParameterization(2), aControlPoints, aKnots(2)
' Extract data from a sphere nurbs surface
set oRoot = Application.activeproject.activescene.root
set oSphere = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface" )
oSphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Surfaces(0).Get _              
        siSINurbs, _
        aControlPoints, _
        aKnots(siUDirection),aKnots(siVDirection) , _
        bClosed(siUDirection),bClosed(siVDirection), _
        lDegree(siUDirection),lDegree(siVDirection), _
' Extract data from a cricular curve for the trim
set oCurve = CreatePrim("Circle", "NurbsCurve")
Dim lCDegree, bCClosed, eCParameterization, aCControlVertex, aCKnots, lCCount, aCNbControlVertex
oCurve.ActivePrimitive.geometry.get _
        siSINurbs, _
        lCCount, _
        aCControlVertex, _
        aCNbControlVertex, _
        aCKnots , _
        aCNbKnots, _
        bCClosed, _
        lCDegree, _
' Create the trimmed surface
set oNew = oRoot.AddNurbsSurfaceMesh
oNew.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddSurfaceWithTrim _
        aControlPoints, _
        aKnots(siUDirection),aKnots(siVDirection) , _
        bClosed(siUDirection),bClosed(siVDirection), _
        lDegree(siUDirection),lDegree(siVDirection), _
        eParameterization(siUDirection),eParameterization(siVDirection), _
        siSINurbs, _
        1, _
        array(True), _
        array(0), _
        array(lCCount), _
        array(aCControlVertex), _
        array(aCNbControlVertex), _
        array(eCParameterization), _
        array(aCKnots) , _
        array(aCNbKnots), _
        array(lCDegree), _