
NurbsCurveList.GetClosestCurvePosition operator


Returns the curve index, position of the point on it, U value and squared distance from the given position.

Note: This method uses output arguments. C# and some scripting languages (such as JScript and PerlScript) don't support arguments passed by reference. However, there is a alternate version of this method which is considered safe to use with C#, JScript and PerlScript: NurbsCurveList.GetClosestCurvePosition2.

C# Syntax

NurbsCurveList.GetClosestCurvePosition( Object in_vPosition, Object& out_pvCurveIndex, Object& out_pvSquaredDistance, Object& out_pvUValue, Object& out_pvPosition );

Scripting Syntax

NurbsCurveList.GetClosestCurvePosition( Position, [CurveIndex], [SquaredDistance], [UValue], [Position] );


Parameter Type Description
Position SIVector3 or 1D Array of 3 elements A position expressed in the NurbsCurveList object frame of reference.
CurveIndex Long The curve index to which the position is the closest.
SquaredDistance Double The squared distance of the inputed position to the curve point.
UValue Double The corresponding UValue on the NurbsCurve.
Position SIVector3 The actual curve point position at UV values.


VBScript Example

set oRoot = Application.activeproject.activescene.root
set oArc = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Arc", "NurbsCurve" )
'Translate the sphere
oArc.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posx").value = oArc.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posx").value + 13
set oPos = XSIMath.CreateVector3
oPos.Set 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
set oPosition = XSIMath.MapWorldPositionToObjectSpace(oArc.Kinematics.local.transform, oPos) 
oArc.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.GetClosestCurvePosition oPosition, CurveIndex, squaredDistance, UValue, CurvePosition
logmessage "The origin is closest to curve : " & CurveIndex & " its distance from it is " & sqr(squaredDistance)
logmessage "The U values is " & UValue
logmessage "The corresponding position is X : " & CurvePosition.X & " Y :" & CurvePosition.Y & " Z :" & CurvePosition.Z
oArc.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.GetClosestCurvePosition Array(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), CurveIndex, squaredDistance, UValue, CurvePosition
logmessage "The origin is closest to surface : " & CurveIndex & " its distance from it is " & sqr(squaredDistance)
logmessage "The U values is " & UValue
logmessage "The corresponding position is X : " & CurvePosition.X & " Y :" & CurvePosition.Y & " Z :" & CurvePosition.Z