




Returns a TextureLayerCollection containing all TextureLayer objects owned by the material.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
TextureLayerCollection rtn = Material.TextureLayers;


1. JScript Example

        This example shows creation of texture layers on a material, plus enumerating and removing them.
oRoot = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root;
oSph = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" );
oMat = oSph.AddMaterial( "Phong" );
// Add a layer at the end (since there are no others the "After"
// flag is irrelevant).
oLayers = new Array(3);
oLayers[0] = oMat.CreateTextureLayer( "B", true );
// Add another layer before the other one.
oLayers[1] = oMat.CreateTextureLayer( "A", false, oLayers[0] );
// Create a third layer at the very start.
oLayers[2] = oMat.CreateTextureLayer( "base", false );
Application.LogMessage( "Created " + oMat.TextureLayers.Count + " layers." );
for ( i = 0; i < oMat.TextureLayers.Count; i++ )
        oLayer = oMat.TextureLayers(i);
        Application.LogMessage( (i+1) + ": " + oLayer );
oMat.RemoveTextureLayer( oLayers[1] );
oMat.RemoveTextureLayer( oMat.FullName + "." + oLayers[2].Name );
count = oMat.TextureLayers.Count;
Application.LogMessage( "Only " + count + " remains) after removal." );
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        Application.LogMessage( (i+1) + ": " + oMat.TextureLayers.Item(i) );
// This example should log something like:
//INFO : "Created 3 layers."
//INFO : "1: sphere.Material.base"
//INFO : "2: sphere.Material.A"
//INFO : "3: sphere.Material.B"
//INFO : "Only 1 remains after removal."
//INFO : "1: sphere.Material.B"

2. VBScript Example

' This example shows creation of texture layers on
' a material, plus enumerating and removing them.
set oRoot = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oSph = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )
set oMat = oSph.AddMaterial( "Phong" )
' Add a layer at the end (since there are no others the "After"
' flag is irrelevant).
dim oLayers(2)
set oLayers(0) = oMat.CreateTextureLayer( "B", True )
' Add another layer before the other one.
set oLayers(1) = oMat.CreateTextureLayer( "A", False, oLayers(0) )
' Create a third layer at the very start.
set oLayers(2) = oMat.CreateTextureLayer( "base", False )
Application.LogMessage "Created " & oMat.TextureLayers.Count & " layers."
i = 1
for each oLayer in oMat.TextureLayers
        Application.LogMessage i & ": " & oLayer
        i = i + 1
oMat.RemoveTextureLayer oLayers(1)
oMat.RemoveTextureLayer oMat.FullName & "." & oLayers(2).Name
count = oMat.TextureLayers.Count
Application.LogMessage "Only " & count & " remains after removal."
for i = 0 to count - 1
        Application.LogMessage i + 1 & ": " & oMat.TextureLayers.Item(i)
' This example should log something like:
'INFO : "Created 3 layers."
'INFO : "1: sphere.Material.base"
'INFO : "2: sphere.Material.A"
'INFO : "3: sphere.Material.B"
'INFO : "Only 1 remains after removal."
'INFO : "1: sphere.Material.B"

See Also

Shader.TextureLayers Material.CreateTextureLayer Material.AddSharedTextureLayer Shader.CreateTextureLayer Shader.AddSharedTextureLayer