


Get the average normal of given 1D geometry

Scripting Syntax

oBoolean = Geometry1D.AverageNormal( compIdxArray, compNor );

Return Value

Boolean. True if the average normal is valid; otherwise False


Parameter Type Description
compIdxArray Array of Integer values An array of indices of 1D geometry

Possible Values:


0 <= compIdxArray(i) < Number of 1D geometry Each index in the array must be valid
compNor SIVector3 Upon return, contains the average normal of the given 1D geometry


VBScript Example

'Create a cube
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
set oSelList = GetValue("SelectionList")
set oItem = oSelList(0)
set oGeometry = oItem.obj
oNb1D = oGeometry.Nb1D
set o1DGeometry = oGeometry.Geometry1D
set oNor = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
' Construct an array containing the indices 0,1,2,3
dim oIndicesArray
oIndicesArray = Array( 0, 1, 2, 3 )
if o1DGeometry.AverageNormal( oIndicesArray, oNor ) then
LogMessage "Average normal of Component (0, 1, 2, 3) : " & oNor.x & " | " & oNor.y & " | " & oNor.z 
end if

See Also

Geometry1D.Normal Geometry_V1.Geometry1D SIVector3