


Returns the number of files that this sequence of file contains as a Long. If the sequence consists of only one file, this property will return 1.

A file sequence is a set of multiple files with the same base name, such as 'myfile.1.pic', 'myfile.2.pic', etc. For example, when rendering to disk, Softimage creates file sequences based on a base filename that you provide in the Render Options property page and when browsing the output folder, Softimage displays file sequences as a single entity with an annotation like: 'myfile[1..2].pic'.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
UInt32 rtn = FileReference.NumberOfFilesInSequence;


JScript Example

NewScene( null, false );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//      SETUP
// First import a model so we have some external files to find
var FPath = XSIUtils.BuildPath(
        Application.InstallationPath( siFactoryPath ),
        "Data", "XSI_SAMPLES", "Models", "Man_Face.emdl"
ImportModel( FPath, null, true );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//      USING THE FileReference OBJECT
// Get the collection of all external files on the scene
var oScene = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene;
var l_extFileList = oScene.ExternalFiles;
// Get the first file object in the list
var oFile = l_extFileList(0);
// Show the number of files.
Application.LogMessage( "The number of files is: " + oFile.NumberOfFilesInSequence );
// Expected results:
//INFO : The number of files is: 3

See Also
